Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun Friday

I have decided to make each Friday "FUN FRIDAY" for our family. So last night we made cookies, ordered pizza (which we got to eat in the family room) and played games.  Then I let the kids sleep on the family room floor, and I got the couch.  Here's a run down of how last night went:  Gavin fell asleep on the couch with me.  I put him in bed with Travis at 10:00. Emily then joined me on the couch around 11:30.  Kate woke up at 1:00 for a feeding.  Gavin came back out at 2:00. I put Gavin in bed with Travis, and put Kate back in her crib.  I then went to Gavin's bed to sleep.  Kate woke back up at 5:00 for another feeding.  And Emily was up for the day at 6:45.  Why is it that during the week you have to pry them out of bed, but they are up at the crack of dawn on Saturday? Anyway, I love our new tradition and think that these are the times my kids will remember!


Coolcam said...

That sound like fun! What a cool tradition to start, maybe we'll try it over here.

Brooke and Jason said...

Your kids are lucky to have someone so fun!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the great ideas. I bet the kids really look forward to that time together. How fun!