Friday, June 12, 2009

Six Months

This was a big month for Kate.  Here are some of her accomplishments within the last month:

  1. She started eating rice cereal.  She LOVES it.  When we sit down to eat dinner, she squeals and/or fusses until she is fed.  She has also started some green beans.  She loves those too!
  2. She can sit up by herself now (surrounded by a support team to catch her in which ever direction she should topple).  
  3. She loves splashing in the tub.
  4. She rolls over, front to back and back to front.  
  5. She loves her feet.  Somehow she manages to get her toes into her mouth!
  6. Still sleeping really well.  Goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps until 6:30.  Naps from 8:30 until 10:00, again at 12:00 until 3:00, then a little catnap sometime before dinner.
  7. She loves to lay on a blanket and play with her toys. Unfortunately for her, that still doesn't happen too often.  Mom likes to hold her too much (and protect her from her brother!)
  8. She has discovered her tongue and she loves to stick it out and blow raspberries.  Cute, cute.
  9. She's a kisser!!!  I love it when she grabs my face with both hands and lathers me with kisses.
  10. Nothing beats when she snuggles into my shoulder, puts her thumb in her mouth and falls asleep :) 

I love her big blue eyes.  OOH, and her joules!  Love it!  She often sucks her bottom lip in so her chin almost disappears (as shown in the picture above).  It's fun to have one look a little different from the others.  As you can see, she looks nothing like me.  She is definitely a Barnes baby! I hate to see her growing so fast, but I am enjoying every second.  Kate is truly a happy, sweet, smiling baby.  I know that I say this every month, but she is such a delight to our family.  We absolutely adore her.


Coolcam said...

Oh My! What a cutie :) I love her face, she is absolutely adorable! Abby says she is very photogenic (and she would know, she's my official family photographer). Sometimes I still wish I had a little one to cuddle with...

Travis & Steff said...

Ah. Sweet Abby. I remember when she took pictures of Emily when she was a baby. (Wow! Has it really been that long ago?) We REALLY need to get together soon :)

Annissa said...

Wow, she is a good sleeper! I hope that happens at my house in a few months.