Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tyler's soccer season

Tyler also had a great soccer season.  I couldn't believe how far the kids have come in just a few months.  They are really starting to understand the game, and sometimes even play as a team :)  Tyler did awesome!  He is truly defensive minded, although he does well as a forward too, therefore, he spent most of his time playing mid-field.  He is a little hustler and never gives up.  

This was shortly before he scored a GOALLLLLLL!  We were too excited, and busy cheering for him to take pictures of the goal.

I am glad to see that my son is not the only one that can't be serious for a picture.  What a bunch of silly boys!

Front: Ethan, Jacob, Tyler, Wyatt, Zack, Jayden
Back: Jackson, Sam, Noah

After his final game, we let him choose a few of his teammates to come over for a late night.  They had pizza and played night games.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  I remember doing things like that when I was a kid.  Exciting times for him :)


Lisa said...

Must admit, a little jealous that your soccer season is already over...Way to go Tyler!

Coolcam said...

I love soccer season! It is my favorite time of year! Tyler is lookin' good, you might have a future star on your hands :D!