I am in the process of training for a 1/2 marathon on May 21. I was supposed to run 12 miles yesterday, and struggled through 8 1/2 before I finally called it quits. I kept getting a side ache and for some reason, my feet felt really wet. When I got home and removed my shoes, this is what I found......
One of my toenails was a little too long and with each step I took, the toenail sliced into my other toe. The kids were shocked and thought I needed to see a doctor. Kate kept telling me that it was "Bisguisting" and Gavin wouldn't get near me until I showered and cleaned it up.
Needless to say, it wasn't the best run I have had. I had to keep asking myself, "Why?" Maybe after a successful race, I'll be able to answer that question ;)
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