Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I would never call myself an obsessive compulsive person, but doesn't everyone have their little quirks?

Take for instance the kitchen cupboards and doors. They are meant to stay CLOSED when not in use, right?

Or maybe the stereo in the car. When flipping through channels, you happen to come across a good song on one of your presets. Doesn't everyone have to push the preset button, even though the radio is already on that particular station?

But the one thing that really gets me is the towels in the bathroom. My rule is, if it's hanging on a towel rack, other than the hand towels, it's for decoration only. NO exceptions. Each member of the family has their own hook with their own towel hanging on the back of the door. Lately, a certain member of our family has struggled with that concept. My towel hangs over my bathrobe, and he has the one on the other hook. It's been that way for 15 years. I have noticed lately when I get out of the shower, my towel is wet. I have tried everything to solve this problem, even going as far as switching hooks. But to no avail. My towel has been wet every morning for the past week.

Last night, Travis came to me and said, "I think you have OCD with the towels." I laughed hysterically. And couldn't stop laughing. And laughing. Because it's true. Is my obsession so obvious to everyone? I asked him why and he said, "Because I have gone through 6 different towels this week already."

I kindly explained to him that I did not care to put the same towel that he used to dry his butt with on my head. And laughed some more. I'm still actually laughing right now.

So, what's a good solution? I guess just change ALL towels right before I shower. Hence, 6 dirty towels every day. Will it work? Time will tell.


Krista and Jeff said...

glad to know I'm not alone in my OCD! I'm still laughing too!!!