Monday, May 7, 2012

Gavin's Birthday

I know I always say that I can't believe how fast the kids are growing, but I CAN'T believe that this kid is six.  It's like he went from a baby to a big boy overnight. 

I usually make them wait until after school to open presents, but I was convinced to let him open them before school.  He was SO excited!

Emily chose a green ball

Tyler gave him a "squishy" dinosaur and a Caramello
One of his favorites.  A 5' Darth Maul lightsaber!
We had so much fun on his birthday.  He loved Toad's so much last year, that he chose to go there again this year.  It had rained pretty hard the night before his birthday so they wouldn't let him use the batting cages.  He was a bit disappointed, but still had a great time spending all his money on video games.

She was so proud of the tickets she earned

Look at that concentration!

He scored a glowstick, glow in the dark teeth, plenty of treats and a princess crown for his little sister!

After Toad's, we had a little bit of time to play at McDonald's before going to school.  What a perfect day for this boy!

While he was at school, Kate and I decorated the cake.  She enjoyed herself!

The celebration continuted after school when family came for dinner, cake and ice cream. He chose spaghetti, french bread and salad for his birthday dinner.

So proud of my little man!  Gavin is such a fun, friendly and outgoing kid!  He is full of love and always has a smile on his face!  Love you, boy!