Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Little Moments

With four kids, quiet time with my baby girl is hard to come by.  This morning Tyler got up early and went to Scout Camp.  Travis is at Girl's Camp.  Gavin and Emily slept late, so it was just Kate and I.  The house was quiet.  We had nowhere to go.  Nothing to do.  

I just held her and rocked her.  She looked up at me with her sleepy morning eyes, listening to me sing You are my Sunshine and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  I wanted to write about this to make sure that I would never forget.  I don't want to forget what she smells like in the morning.  I don't want to forget that she loves to be sang to.  I don't want to forget how much she loves my Winnie the Pooh pajamas.  And I don't want to forget the times that she snuggles up to my shoulder, puts her thumb in her mouth and rubs my face with her fingers.

I am sure that I've had moments like this with each child, but it hit me hard this morning that life is moving pretty fast.  The kids are growing so quickly that it makes my head spin.  I want to be sure that I would remember little moments like these.  They are, after all, what gets me through some of the tough days.


Stacie said...

It's true, you do forget those things. She is so cute!