Thursday, July 8, 2010

Food, Glorious Food

We planted strawberries a couple of years ago, and they are doing really well this year. I was so excited when I was able to pick this big, beautiful bowl of strawberries. I figured that if I froze this batch, I would probably have enough to make strawberry jam by the end of the summer. I carefully washed each strawberry and laid them out to dry on a dish towel. When they were dry, I placed them into a freezer bag. I noticed the next day that they looked a little freezer burnt. I checked to make sure the bag was sealed up tight, which it was. I thought maybe there was a chance they hadn't fully dried, so removed them from the freezer. My plan was to let them thaw and dry them thoroughly. I was so disappointed when they all turned to MUSH!!! So much for this year's jam :(

As long as we're on the subject, I thought I would include a few more pictures of food...

Travis went to the refrigerator to get some cheese to go with his crackers. This is what he found. I'll give you one guess who the culprit was.

Just curious if I'm the only one who burns the last waffle to a crisp? I ALWAYS do this. I put the last waffle on to cook and completely forget about it until I can smell it burning.

This was an extra cake left over from Tyler's birthday. I decided rather than letting it go to waste, I might as well frost it. I was having a difficult day, and was looking forward to putting the kids to bed, taking a bubble a bubble bath, and enjoying a piece of cake. I don't particularly even like sweets, but I was FURIOUS when I went to cut myself a big slice of cake, and found this. For sure madder than I should have been about a cake, for crying out loud. In fact, it almost brought me to tears. The kids were lucky that they were asleep that night. Once again, I'll let you decide who the culprit was.