Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Black Island Farms

Emily decided to have her birthday party at Black Island Farms this year. She wanted a small party, in fact she only invited 5 friends, which was fine with me. It was a lot less stressful to keep track of the kids.

The weather couldn't have been better. I was a little nervous because the day started out rainy, but it ended up perfect!
Emily and her BFFs!
I thought this was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Emily's friend, Megan is moving to Idaho Falls in the spring. It's hard to lose good friends, but Travis travels there quite frequently. Emily can't wait to go visit during one of her dad's trips.
Pig Racing! Still makes me laugh!
Kate is afraid of heights. I guess that's one disadvantage to having a tall daddy :)

Kenzy, Megan, Gavin, Taylor and Emily
Animal train
Emily loves being a big sister
Is he OK?

I loved this! There's a little cup at the bottom of this chute that you fill with grass, pull the rope to lift the cup of grass up to....

A hungry goat. So funny!

She had a great birthday party with some great friends!