Monday, October 10, 2011

Foul Mouth?

Gavin is fascinated with rhyming words. However, whatever word you ask him to rhyme for you, he always chooses a word that starts with the letter B. For example, if you ask him what rhymes with toy, he will answer boy. If you choose a word that starts with B, such as ball, he chooses a word that starts with H, as in hall. He was sharing his knowledge with us at the dinner table tonight. After several different rhyming words, he blurted out, "I know what rhymes with witch.... b%*@!#." I just about spit out my mashed potatoes. He had no idea that that was a naughty word. We all started giggling and the poor little boy started to cry. I really shouldn't think it's funny. But I do ;)


AlexFam said...

Oh boy...reminds me of the time Kaylee was in the rhyming stage. Peyton and I were naming the books in the Book of Mormon.

Darn book of Enos!

And of course I laughed afterwards which only led to her saying it over and over again....

Cally said...

Love reading your posts, your family is adorable! The race looked so fun, what a memory!

Natalie said...

So excited to see your family blog - now you have to get a move on and get some updated posts :) I will race ya - ha ha