Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nine Months

Nine months?  I can't believe it.  Nine months is such a strange milestone for me.  It took 9 long months for her to be born, and now nine months has quickly passed.  Where has the time gone?

We took Kate to the doctor last week.  Here are her stats:   17 lbs. 1 oz. (19%)  and 26.75" long (24%).  I am a bit surprised that she isn't a little bit bigger, considering how chubby she was when she was born.

She is developing very quickly.  She isn't quite crawling yet.  She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but can't quite figure out what to do next.  Instead, she flops to her belly and does a mean army crawl.  

She is a good eater, but very messy.  Here she is eating some peas.  She grabbed the spoon right before it hit her mouth, and here are the results.  She likes just about everything, but is getting to the stage that she wants some table foods too.

She says "mamama" and "dada".  She likes to read, play peek-a-boo, patty cake, and big girl.  She is still sleeping like an angel.  She takes two 2-3 hour naps and sleeps for 12 hours at night.  Lucky me :)

I was folding laundry the other day and looked down to see her standing up against the chair.  I was shocked!  I immediately helped her down, because I didn't want her to fall and hurt herself, and she hasn't pulled herself up again.

She has five teeth already.  That's right, five.  I looked into her mouth a few days ago and was shocked!  Her little mouth looked so sore.  It was red, bruised and swollen.  Poor little thing.

I still can't believe she has blue eyes.  BRIGHT blue eyes.  They are so beautiful, and she receives plenty of compliments on them wherever we go!

Kate received her first hickey this month.  Travis was giving her a bottle and fell asleep with her.  Emily, the adoring sister, was kissing on her a little too much and sucked a great big hickey on her cheek.  Try explaining that to the doctor.  Hopefully he doesn't turn us in!  

I can understand a little bit though.  Just looking at this picture makes me want to kiss her too!  As you can also see, she is still a thumb sucker.

She is such a sweet, loving baby.  We love you Kate!