Monday, August 30, 2010

Syracuse for Sight 5k

My good friends and neighbors put together a 5k run/walk to benefit one of my friends little boys. He was born with a vision impairment called Ocular Albinism, a rare eye disorder. This race was put together in order to provide special computers in the library, as well as a large print book section. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to support such an amazing little boy, so I signed up.

This race was a lot of fun. I had tons of friends running and volunteering. Those involved did such an amazing job! It was well organized and very professionally done. Hats off to all of those who worked so hard for such a great cause!

I ran the race in 29:15. I had set a goal to run it under 30 minutes, but was really hoping to make 27 minutes. Although I accomplished my goal, I was pretty disappointed in myself for not finishing quicker. About 1/2 mile into the race, my shoes began bothering me. They were too loose. I thought I could make it through, but quickly decided I'd be better off stopping to re-tie them. I continued on my way, and they were way too tight. I had to stop again! Lesson learned... test my shoes BEFORE I start racing. I probably only lost about a minute, but in a 5k, every minute counts.

Next up, the half marathon on October 9th :)